- 1 Banner
- 1 Poster
- 2 Digital Posters
- 1 Skyscaper Web-Banner (2 weeks)
€ 7,200
- 1 Banner
- 2 Digital Posters
- 1 Skyscraper Web-Banner (2 weeks)
€ 6,300
- 1 Trailer (on two monitors at Gropius Bau) à 2 minutes
- 1 Digital Poster
- 1 Skyscraper Web-Banner (2 weeks)
€ 5,100
Show your trailer at two busy spots in the Gropius Bau. Both monitors show the same trailer.
€ 1,500 per minute
Show your digital poster on monitors in four market locations. All monitors show the same poster.
€ 3,000