20-25 exciting feature film projects are selected each year to forge international co-production and financing partnerships during pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings.

The project submission is now closed. From August 14 till September 18, experienced producers from all over the world have submitted their new feature film projects for the Official Selection. The projects' producers will be notified by Christmas, and the projects are announced mid-January.

Producers and financiers interested in meeting and partnering with the selected projects, please see Apply without project

You can find the project criteria and details on the project submission as well as the link to the Online Submission Form below. Please also consult our Project Submission FAQ. (PDF, 445 KB)

Projects must fulfil a number of criteria:

  • Feature-length fiction project with international market potential (with theatrical potential)
  • Suitable for international co-production and open for co-producers
  • Full script available (in English, by November)
  • Budget between 1 and 20 million Euros (please see below for exceptions)
  • A minimum of 30% of the financing, or at least the local production support, must be secured (by November)
  • The company must have completed at least one international co-production
  • The project has not started shooting yet

Budget Exceptions 2025:

  • lower budget minimum: 600.000 Euros for projects from the World Cinema Fund supported regions and countries Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Caucasus, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mongolia and Sri Lanka. The exception is also valid for projects from Southeast Europe ad Ukraine.
  • Berlinale Directors Projects: projects from directors whose previous films were selected at the Berlinale, can also be submitted if they do not yet have 30% or the local production support in place
  • established Ukrainian production companies that have internationally co-produced and internationally released a feature-length film within the last four years, can apply with a project without confirmed financing.The project's origin must be Ukraine, a script must be ready, and the respective company can submit one project under this exception rule.

Project submission is now closed. Till September 18, producers could apply online with the following material:

  • Fully completed Online Feature Submission (closed for 2025)
  • Treatment / Exposé in English (5 to 8 pages, approx. 4.000 to 5.000 words)
  • 5-page Script Excerpt or full script
  • Financing Plan (in Euros; indicating precisely which elements are confirmed, as well as the timeline for non-confirmed elements)
  • Director's Previous Work Sample (as a Link)
  • Moodbook/Visuals
  • on a voluntary basis, you can submit a project dossier or a merged pdf with collected additional material that might be useful, such as sustainability concept, marketing concept, LOIs, etc.

Please consult our Project Submission FAQ (PDF, 445 KB) for specific questions regarding your application.