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As a prime meeting place of the international film and media industries, the European Film Market understands itself as pacemaker not only for topics immediately concerning the working field of our participants, but also seeks to inspire the (future) film industry to act and think towards sustainable development as a topic of global scope.
With our measures, we aim for an environmentally and socially responsible European Film Market. First published in 2020, our EFM Sustainability Manifesto laid out an objective based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. In preparation for the EFM 2023 in Berlin, we are building upon the progress of the past years while striving to complete further goals.
Following the SD Goals: 7 Affordable and Clean Energy & 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
• EFM is only building stand construction with a reuse modular system and therefore produces less waste and emissions. The system has been in place since 2018.
• EFM has banned single-use (plastic) cups from its locations in 2020 and encourages visitors to bring their own cup (BYOC policy).
• EFM follows a green cleaning policy, which includes using less harmful chemicals in cleaning products.
• EFM has a waste management system at all its locations.
• EFM aims to increase the usage of sustainable materials for printed advertising.
• EFM and all its location sources energy from 100% ecological energy since 2012.
• EFM aims to create more awareness about the consumption and use of water, and will for example actively think about alternatives for the water supply for EFM visitors at its locations.
• EFM actively encourages its team members and all visitors to use alternative traveling and accommodation options by highlighting more sustainable options in its communications.
• EFM aims to keep its own carbon footprint minimal by traveling by train wherever possible. Air travelling that cannot be replaced is actively compensated by investing in a local project for bogland preservation.
• From 2023, all EFM venues are conveniently located at Potsdamer Platz. Walkable distances decrease the need for shuttle services. In order to keep EFM an accessible event, shuttle services will continue to be provided. All shuttles are electrically powered instead of using fossil fuels.
Following the SD Goals: 4 Quality Education, 5 Gender Equality, 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure & 10 Reduced Inequalities
• EFM commits to sharing knowledge and new insights about sustainability to its team members and the community it serves (visitors, funding partners, sponsors, suppliers and facilitating companies).
• In 2022, the EFM drew up the EFM Sustainability Guide: a Proposal for Exhibitors, to assist exhibitors in preparing for a more sustainable issuance.
• EFM will actively search partners to work on a more sustainable market, whether within related (cultural and creative) sectors or new sponsors and suppliers.
• In its curated sessions, the EFM sets the industry up for emerging topics touching on mental health, diversity and inclusion and other holistic fields.
• EFM programmes introduce more sustainable approaches and facilitate access for marginalised and underrepresented groups to the industry.
Following the SD Goals: 3 Good Health and wellbeing & 8 Decent work and economic growth
• EFM works on creating a healthy and sustainable working environment in its offices throughout the year, e.g. by offering workshops on intersectionality and ecological sustainability for its team.
• EFM supports a non-competitive growth policy and prioritises (health and) a sustainable environment, investing in services that benefit its team.
January 2023